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Posted by on Jan 5, 2020 in Jollyman, Project Progress, Writing Family History |

The Jollyman Letters: project progress January 2020

Can it be possible that I still haven’t finished even one of the Jollyman Letters books?

Well, yes, unfortunately, it can.

Oh, I haven’t given up researching and writing my family history – far from it. But the trouble with family research is that it keeps growing and spreading and as I find out more, I just want to include everyone on the family tree and every scrap of precious information somewhere in one of the books, before it gets lost.

Which makes final decision-making very difficult! What if I find something else after I publish?

However, I am genuinely making progress. I’ve learned how to create ebooks and self-published paperbacks using Amazon’s KDP software. I’m now editing and adding the photos, and The Jollyman Letters is almost ready for publication!

When I say ‘almost…’ OK, it might take me a few more months.

Just in case!

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