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Posted by on Nov 11, 2018 in Jollyman |

Armistice Day: 100 years ago in France

Armistice Day 1918100 years ago, my great grandfather, Herbert Jollyman, wrote a letter home on Armistice Day. Here’s an extract:

My Darling little Wife,

What different feelings must be in every bodies’ hearts today. ‘Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow’ certainly sums up mine & I know the thankfulness on your side is none the less.

It all seems so strange, not a sound of a gun & yet otherwise things are much as usual.

We have moved again & you can picture me tonight in a ‘civvy’ bed with eiderdown quilt – last night & for a week past, have been in a barn on straw – very comfortable, but not to equal tonight’s accommodation.

Fresh air I shall have for every pane of glass has been shattered but that wont worry me. This town has been knocked about a good bit, but the civilians are rapidly coming back to their belongings & homes – how long I wonder before we shall return to ours…

Good night my dear, dear lover

God bless you all & may He soon bring us together again.


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